2016 & 2020 - the Netherlands
The Dutch Society for Nature Conservation Natuurmonumenten is responsible for the management of a shifting sands area called Hulshorsterzand, located in the nature reserve De Veluwe in the Netherlands. Between 2009 and 2015 Natuurmonumenten set up a project to reactivate and expand the shifting sands area.
In June 2016 HiView has performed monitoring flights using its Flying Sensors (drones, UAVs) above three specific areas covering in total 300 ha. This resulted in high-resolution Orthomosaics and Digital Elevation Models for each area and all areas combined. This enabled Natuurmonumenten to have verified elevation and surface data thus showing the development of the shifting process.
In 2020 HiView repeated the same mission in order to analyze the shifting process between these two time stamps. Based on the information that HiView provided, Natuurmonumenten is able to plan their approach in conserving this unique nature in the Netherlands.