eTrainings on Flying Sensors in Kenya
March 22, 2021
In March and April 2021 HiView, together with FutureWater, is conducting a series of online courses on Flying Sensors and processing & interpretation of aerial imagery.
The Covid19 period brings good things too! In a comprehensive course, HiView and FutureWater are reaching out to a few hundred participants with our newly developed eTraining program. The lectures are hosted by Egerton University in Nairobi, Kenya.
A team of 4 lecturers deliver a dozen of sessions, that vary from setting up a drone unit and hands-on processing to the overall capability of Flying Sensors for crop monitoring.
The participants received this new form of knowledge sharing enthusiastically. The chat function turns out to be crucial for communication. During the lectures, a participant at any moment can put forward a question or a comment and the speaker is able to react to that in the session.
The platform that is used is Doodle, a software dedicated to educational use. It offers, next to the virtual classroom, various services like upload and download facilities, helpdesk, record function, and more. Real-life training is the best, but this constitutes a very good online alternative. Surely many eTrainings from our side will follow!
The eTraining for Egerton University is supported by TMT Nuffic, Netherlands.